Of Spring Flood in Don River Basin and Their Water Management and Hydroecological Consequences

Author(s):  V.A. Dmitrieva, Dr., associate Professor, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia, verba47@list.ru

Issue:  Volume 42, № 2

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  Anomalies of snowmelt flood in the Upper Don river basin in current period are associated with a decrease in the extremes of water content and flood content, the increase in the flood duration, disappearance of stream network in the headstreams areas, the increase of dry lands, the reduction of the length of the river network, the formation of a “dry” floodplain and the drying up of floodplain lakes. There are a shallowing of rivers, the formation of shallows, the formation of bays and stagnant zones, overgrown with moisture-loving vegetation. The anomalies of the spring flood are formed against the background of global climate changes that began since 1970s and are refracted to the regional level of the current time. The dynamics of the surface air temperature, especially the rise in winter, is the cause of numerous thaws, reduction of water content in spring and redistribution of seasonal runoff within a year. Hydroecoloical risks related with spring floods passage are reduced. Water purification capacity of watercourses decreases and water quality in rivers is deteriorates. To ensure reliable water supply and preservation of rivers as elements of regional hydrography, preventive measures are required.

Keywords:  Don river, anomalies of snowmelt flood, hydrological regime, hydroecological and water management problems

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