Material Composition of Rich Iron Ore Deposits of KMA

Author(s):  S.R. Gzogyan, Belgorod National Research University , Belgorod, Russia

T.N. Gzogyan, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University , Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 42, № 2

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  The paper discusses mineral composition of rich iron ore deposits of Kursk magnetic anomaly with the aim of the potential for high-quality iron ore products as raw material for metallization. For the first time on deposits the complete mineral analysis is executed and distinctive features of structure and properties of the basic minerals are allocated. Noted that the rich iron ore KMA have complex mineralogical structure. Studies found that a variety of mineral types of rich iron ore deposits of KMA due to different mineral composition of the parent rocks (ferruginous quartzites) and the manifestation of secondary processes (carbonization, chloritization). Found that ain ore minerals composing the residual ore, are martite and hematite (iron sludge), carbonates (siderite, calcite), magnetite (rare), in addition there are a significant number of hydrohematite, goethite and hydrogoethite and loose and polonijnych varieties zheleznorudnogo-martite ore mass fraction martita significantly higher than in ores of rock and semi. Тhe performed complex of researches on studying of features of structure and properties of rich iron ores of KMA deposits showed considerable their heterogeneity both on physical and chemical properties, and granulometric and mineral structure. In addition, there is a significant difference in the quality of rock and loose varieties of ores.

Keywords:  rich iron ore, Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, chemical composition, mineralogical species, martite, hematite, hydrohematite, goethite, hydrogoethite, carbonization, chloritization.

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