The research of the plant adaptogens market of the Far Eastern Federal District in 2013-2017

Author(s):  A.A. Komarova, Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk, Russia,

T.A. Stepanova, Dr., Prof., Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk, Russia

A.S. Stepanov, Dr., Computer Centre Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 41, №2

Rubric:  Pharmaceutical Sciences

Annotation:  In the present paper is presented the analysis of the regional Far Eastern market of medicines and biologi-cal active additives of adaptogenic, tonic and stimulating action. The assortment of adaptogens on the market is represented by medicines and biologically active additives of synthetic and vegetable origin. Synthetic medicines are mainly derived from melatonin, vegetable medicines include such popular Far Eastern endemics as Aralia elata, Panax ginseng, Leuzea carthamoides, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus senticosus and others. The analysis includes main indicators characterizing the dynamics of the market in the period from 2013 to 2017. The study found that the growth of the adap-togen market is due to synthetic medicines, while the part of plant-based adaptogens on the pharmaceuti-cal market of the Far East is decreasing. It was noted that the average cost of the package of vegetable adaptogens medicine has remained at the same level for the five years period. However, the characteristic of assortment offer in the regional market of adaptogens in 2013, and a comparative analysis of the changes in the main characteristics of the assortment proposal in 2017 were described. Market leaders in terms of the value of sales were analyzed and represented in TOP 10 trade names. It is established that for the last five years the composition of the TOP-10 category has changed by no more than 40%.

Keywords:  plant adaptogens, marketing, pharmaceutical market, market growth rate

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