Karagod as the code "lives" of the Russian people

Author(s):  O.N. Kudymova, Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod, Russia

M.S. Zhirov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod, Russia, Zhirov MS@bgiik.ru

O.Ya. Zhirova, candidate of Sciences, Prof., Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 43, № 2

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  The article reveals some theoretical and practical aspects of the genre "Karagod" – one of the most archaic forms of traditional musical culture of the Slavic peoples, which developed according to its laws, reflecting the system of values, national character traits of creators and bearers of tradition, the level of their artistic and crea-tive expression. Karagod is a special cultural-historical phenomenon in the system of genres of music of the Slavic peoples. He is endowed with a specific set of artistic and expressive means, due to the functions in cul-ture, open to interaction with other vocal and instrumental genres, thus performing a unifying, consolidating, communicative role in the creation of the "product" of folk music.

Keywords:  culture of the Russian province, terminology, Karagod's, round dances, tanks, folk dance, ritual semantics, music, dance, game action, musical creativity, spiritual practice of the people, South Russian singing tradition.

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