Social-economic evolution of the population of the south of european Russia in the context of modernization of the agrarian society at the end of the XVI-XVII centuries

Author(s):  D.A. Lyapin, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russia, MAIN@ELSU.RU

Issue:  Volume 45, №2

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  The article is devoted to the problems of the social history of the South Russian borderland at the end of the 16th-17th centuries. The author focuses on various socio-economic processes associated with a num-ber of specific factors that created a special phenomenon of the frontier zone. The article examines in a chronological order the social history of the South of European Russia conditionally connected with three periods. The first period is connected with the end of the 16th century, when there were military fortresses - outposts of Russia in the steppe borderland. The second period falls on the Time of Troubles from the middle of the 17th century. At this time in the fortresses there are "posad people", the total population grows, its social structure is complicated and fractured. In the middle of the century, the government is implementing a land reform, which initiated the process of registering the population of the "posad popu-lation" in a closed social group. At the same time, the regiments of the new system (raiders, dragoons, soldiers) are widely spread in the South. The third period covers the second half of the 17th century and associates with the development of trends in the middle of this century. By the end of the 17th century in large towns of the region, the people of the town began to prevail over the servicemen, and the repre-sentatives of the regiments of the new system exceeded the number of traditional military formations. These social changes have completed the process of social evolution of the region, associated with the specifics of the frontier zone

Keywords:  frontier, South of European Russia, socio-economic evolution, social history, urbanization, cit-izens, servicemen, regiments of the new system, colonization

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