On a representation of a general solution of second order elliptic 2×2 - systems on the plane

Author(s):  A. P .Soldatov, Dr., Research institute of applied mathematics and automation of KBNTs RAS , Nalchik, Russia, soldatov48@gmail.com

O.A. Tarsova, Research institute of applied mathematics and automation of KBNTs RAS , Nalchik, Russia, tarsova_ o@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 50, № 2

Rubric:  Mathematics

Annotation:  An elliptic second order system on the plane consisting of two equations with constant (and only leading) coefficients is considered. An explicit representation of a general solution of this system is given via the so-called J- analytic functions.

Keywords:  second-order elliptic systems, differential equations

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