On comparative evaluation of frequency characteristics of various classes of wide-band channel signals

Author(s):  S.P. Belov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod, Russia, belovssergei@gmail.com

I.I. Oleinik, candidate of Sciences, Limited Liability Company "Scientific and Production Enterprise" Power and Information Technologies "BelSU" , Belgorod, Russia, oleinik_i@bsu.edu.ru

S.A. Rachinsky, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, 677110@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 45, №2

Rubric:  Infocommunication technologies

Annotation:  The frequency characteristics of broadband channel signals are considered in the article, their use as carriers of information in telecommunication systems in the presence of various types of interference in existing communication channels makes it possible to increase their noise immunity. A new class of broad-band channel signals based on the application of eigenvectors of subband matrices is proposed. To carry out computational experiments to study the frequency characteristics of these signals, a program is written in the package Mat Lab. An estimate of the bandwidth of each of the signals studied is given. The conclu-sion is made about the advisability of using a new class of broadband channel signals in telecommunica-tion systems for transmitting information in the conditions of various types of interference existing in the communication channels, since they have the largest bandwidth, thus minimizing the probability of error in their recovery on the receiving side.

Keywords:  telecommunication systems, broadband channel signals, signal base, interference, signal bandwidth.

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