Critic, curator, meaning in the structure of art-criticism

Author(s):  M.A. Srybnaya, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, № 2

Rubric:  Journalism and public relations

Annotation:  The article is concerned with the structural and content aspects of art-discourse conditioned by modern artistic practices, the role of curating as a new sociocultural activity, and the functions and tasks of art-criticism as a discursive activity. Contemporary art differs significantly from the classical art, it is represented in other genres and forms, and also has a certain semantic element, and, often, refuses of aesthetic values. This art, aimed at the transmission of meanings, requires interpretation. Art criticism is not only a tool for the interpretation of contemporary art, it also allows to put it into a broad social context. Art criticism is a necessary element of the existence of contemporary art. Texts about contemporary art, including art-criticism, construct the art-discourse. The study of these texts helps to identify the conceptual structure of contemporary art, and the basic values inherent in it, as well as to describe the current criteria for valuing works of contemporary art.

Keywords:  contemporary art, art-discourse, art-criticism, curating, interpretation, social context.

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