Medialect: language at the mediaformat

Author(s):  A.V. Polonskiy, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, № 2

Rubric:  Journalism and public relations

Annotation:  Every epoch has own factors that have a special power of influence. Today, these include media, media technologies, which are forcibly introduced into all spheres of life and activity of the society, into all cultural and communicative practices of a person, in all spheres – mass, public and private. Modernity is a media project, which is based on converting the technological and content potential of media into a qualitatively new social and linguistic reality. The subject of the article is the medialect as the most important form of the existence of the modern language, the emergence of which is motivated by the process of total mediatization of human culture, of the social and communicative practices. Medialect is a phenomenon of modern culture, its active response to the impact of the media environment. Medialect is the language of the media culture, the expression of the consciousness of «media person». The set of stylistic registers of the medialect is due to its functioning in different social and communicative contexts, the specificity of which is due to the different characteristics of both media platforms and communities, united on their basis. The formation of the media project, its functioning and social advancement in modern culture is a complex and multidimensional process, which includes the interaction of a complex of linguistic, social, communicative and media factors. The special social significance of the media project is due to the fact that today it determines the nature of all active processes taking place in the language, has a strong impact on all other forms of the language, including the literary language.

Keywords:  culture, society, community, communication, media, mediatization, media environment, language, medialect.

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