Author(s):  D.O. Zamulin, "Dental policlinic № 1 of Belgorod", Belgorod, Russia, vitalaxen@mail.ru

N.M. Agarkov, Dr., Prof., South-West state University, Kursk, Russia

I.S. Gontareva, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, vitalaxen@mail.ru

Ya.V. Glagoleva, Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod, Russia

K.F. Makkonen, Dr., Prof., Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod, Russia

B.D. Zhidkih, Dr., ROSNO-MS, Kursk, Russia

I.V. Kolomiets, candidate of Sciences, ROSNO-MS, Kursk, Russia

M.O. Mishunin, South-West state University, Kursk, Russia

Issue:  Volume 41, №1

Rubric:  Preventive Medicine

Annotation:  Discusses the epidemiology of chronic periodontitis among the child population of the Belgorod region studied in different territorial systems with different environmental condition, organization of specialized dental care for children, levels of air pollution, other components of the environment. Selected classifica tion criteria and the classification of territorial systems at the level of incidence of children with chronic periodontitis, defined by the degree of risk of each territorial system for the development of this disease. Selected diagnostic criteria of providing a full diagnosis of chronic periodontitis in children. On the basis of these criteria reduces the scope of ongoing diagnostic examinations. Built mathematic - cartographical models of the prevalence of periodontitis in children and the classification of territories according to the degree of risk of pathology development of acute periodontitis. By means of the mathematical apparatus selected disadvantaged districts of the Belgorod region. The results of the study indicate a pronounced spatial pattern of epidemiology of chronic periodontitis in children region that should be considered when carrying out diagnostic examinations of children. The classification of areas according to incidence of chronic periodontitis and the features of territorial distribution. Established the important diagnostic value of Ig A, sIg A, Ig G and Ig M, the percentage of lymphocytes in saliva to verify the diagnosis of chronic periodontitis in children. Mathematical - cartographic modelling of child morbidity and severe periodonti-tis revealed an uneven distribution of cases of acute periodontitis in Belgorod and cases in Borisov dis-trict. It was determined and the close proximity of areas with high and medium level of pathology, located respectively in the Western and Eastern parts of the region.

Keywords:  epidemiology, diagnostics of chronic periodontitis in children, chronic periodontitis in children.

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