Innovative banking product in market of financial services (on the example of bryansk regional branch of “ROSSELKHOZBANK”

Author(s):  A.B. Titov, Dr., Prof., Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia,

V.N. Kosyanovа, Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering, Bryansk, Russia

O. V. Miheenko, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering, Bryansk, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, №23

Rubric:  Investment and innovations

Annotation:  The article highlights the problem of finding modern solutions to enhance the profitability of the credit policy of banks. The authors emphasize that at the present time the key to successful development in the financial market is the development and introduction of innovative products to attract new customers, opening new niches and, ultimately, the growth of efficiency of credit policy of the Bank. On the basis of the analysis of the credit portfolio of Rosselkhozbank revealed that the main clients of the credit institution are legal entities. It is reasonable that they focused innovative offer – a loan secured by property rights to the rescue. The efficiency of its development, the authors confirm the relevant calculations. The article describes the benefits of a credit product in comparison with other loans, the agricultural Bank, supported by financial indicators the Bank's profitability

Keywords:  Rosselhozbank, lending, loan portfolio, an innovative loan product, a loan secured by property rights to the rescue

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