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Выберите интервал между буквами: Стандартный Средний Большой

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Regional institutions for socio-economic development: current status and prospects

Author(s):  E.A. Nosachevskaya, Southwest state university, North Caucasian institute branch of the Russian Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia, 08082007@mail.ru

R.V. Shumakhov, Southwest state university, North Caucasian institute branch of the Russian Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia, shumakhov@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 44, №23

Rubric:  Regional and municipal economy

Annotation:  The article examines the institutional mechanisms to stimulate economic development at the regional level in modern conditions. As one of the effective tools of regulation of regional economic development, including the implementation of the projects is the creation and development of specialized institutions, such as support funds, venture capital funds, business incubators. The work of the institutions aimed at supporting small and medium business, stimulation of export of domestic goods and services, development of the innovation sector, leveling the imbalances in the development of the farms of subjects of the Russian Federation. In this regard, in the article the author approaches associated with the perspectives of the institutions of economic development for the regions of the Russian Federation

Keywords:  region, institutional framework, socio-economic development, investment, stimulation of economic growth

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