Thermophoretic motion of a two layers of moderately large solid cylindrical aerosol particles with constant coefficients of thermal conductivity of nucleus and shel

Author(s):  A.B. Poddoskin, Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

N.V. Malay, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,;

E.R. Shchukin, Dr., Prof., Joint Institute for High temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 49, №27

Rubric:  Physics

Annotation:  In article obtained the expressions for the velocity of thernophoresis of a two-layer moderately solid cylindrical aerosol particles with different the values of the constant coefficients of thermal conductivity of the nucleus and shell. Using the obtained formulas can also be estimated thermophoresis velocity and inhomogeneous at the thermal conductivity of strongly elongated large and moderately large solid aerosol two-layer particles with a surface shape close to the cylindrical

Keywords:  the thermophoresis of a double layered cylindrical particles

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