Reinterpreting the russian philosophy and the russian revolution

Author(s):  V.S. Gritsenko, Krasnodar state institute of culture, Krasnodar, Russia,

E.V. Kalioropulo, Krasnodar state institute of culture, Krasnodar, Russia,

A.V. Oposhnyanskiy, Krasnodar Higher Military School, Krasnodar, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 42, №24

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  The question of the civilization status and the choice of Russia is again urgent. It is caused by external and internal contradictions of modern civilization Vyzov. In this regard, the heritage of traditional Russian philosophy, Slavophiles and Westerners is staticized

Keywords:  globalization, Russia, civilization development, ways of civilization development of Russia, Slavophiles, Westerners

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