Exacerbation of ecological-geomorphological situations as a result of movement on slopes of soils with modern natural processes and various kinds of anthropogenic activity on the territory of the belgorod region

Author(s):  V.A. Hrisanov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia, khrisanov@bsu.edu.ru

S.N. Kolmykov, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia, kolmykov@bsu.edu.ru

M.Yu. Polushkin , Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 41, №25

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  The article discusses the great variety of natural factors that contribute to the manifestation of various types of modern eugenic processes, which annually move millions of cubic meters of soil along the slopes, thus exerting a great influence on the change in the relief of the region. In the Belgorod region, the erosion processes (about 75%) of the area are the most widespread. The share of sites affected by landslide processes is more than 9% of the territory, suffosion processes employ about 7%, and karst processes account for about 6%. For the other eugenic processes remains about 3% of the area of the region. The magnitude of soil movement by natural processes is very significant, especially in the eastern, more fragmented part of the region. The largest transfer of loose materials in the form of suspended particles is carried out by rivers, especially during the showers (more than 1 million m3/year). The article also reveals the issues of various types of anthropogenic activities and compares the scale of soil movement by natural and technogenic processes. The volume of displaced loose sediments, as a result of human activity, is very significant (about 4 km3). All this taken together promotes the formation of exogenous processes in new areas and causes an exacerbation of ecological and geomorphological situations in the territory of the Belgorod region.

Keywords:  natural processes, technogenic processes, soil, ecological-geomorphological situations.

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