Russia and Ukraine: formation of border cooperation after collapse of the Ussr (1991–1994)

Author(s):  A. Zakhov, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, №1

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  In this article process of formation of border cooperation between Russia and Ukraine in the first years after collapse of the USSR is considered (1991-1994). The author considers actions of heads of border areas of these states, investigates the standard and legal documents influencing on development of border cooperation, and factors on which degree of intensity of cooperation between border regions depended. The author gives special attention to distinction of positions between the central and regional authorities of two states on the principles of formation of the Russian-Ukrainian border cooperation. The author uses the Russian and Ukrainian regional periodicals appearing during the studied period, the normative legal acts relating to a question of border cooperation, and also archival materials

Keywords:  collapse of the USSR, border cooperation, Russian-Ukrainian relations, regional history, economic interaction, integration

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